What to Bring on Your First Appt

What to bring:

  1. Paper applications: Foresters, CFG, Sons of Norway (PRINT THESE BEFORE YOUR APPT. FROM THE CARRIER WEBSITES)
  2. Laptop
  3. ATM (attached below)
  4. Greensheet, ERS, Debt Questionnaire (attached below)
  5. The lead or a copy of a lead if it was an internet lead
  6. Tax free retirement book
  7. Pen -- we're inking a deal- Don't forget your sword

How to Dress

  • Business casual -- we want to look like salt of the earth. Not like fancy insurance people
  • Men: Polo, slacks/nice jeans, and decent shoes
  • Women: Polo/blouse, slacks/skirt/nice jeans, decent shoes

The car ride there:

  • Listen to an Alliance Audio to get your mind right-- Listen on Apple Podcasts // Google Podcast
  • Have your in-home materials ready so you can walk right to the house
  • Bring water, snacks, lunch so you can minimize stops
  • Bring extra leads to doorknock if you get no-showed
  • Text your team/manager/upline and let them know you are headed into a home so you can have someone to call from the home.
  • Have tic-tacs/gum on hand

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